My story...

When I was 18, after many years of playing the piano, singing, and dancing, and a lot of tennis, I was taking the open ballet class four nights a week at The Dance Centre in Covent Garden, because I wanted to become a choreographer. But I was in agony all the time; I had no idea why and was seeing the osteopath three times a week and taking up to eight painkillers a day. The neck pain and headaches were dreadful, as was the inner sense of vulnerability and weakness; I felt that if I had to move quickly, I couldn't; my body wasn't working for me at all. My head wouldn't turn from side to side, my jaw was out of alignment, my right shoulder was two inches lower than my left, and almost every position I was in hurt. I couldn't dance any more, and I couldn't do much else either.
I wanted this to change so much; I wanted my old spring back, my energy, to be able to dance, play the piano, play tennis, and just live without pain, and certainly not to have the operation I was being urged to have to fuse my spine, but I had no idea how. My aunt visited from Canada two years later and told me about the Alexander Technique. Talking to her about my pain she said to me, "You need The Alexander Technique!" Like many I said, "What's that?" and she answered, "The osteopath can go on putting your bones back into place as often as you want, but your habits in the way you use your muscles will just pull them out again. An Alexander teacher will you show you how to let go of these habits and tensions and then the bones will stay where they are meant to be and it wont hurt any more."
So I began my journey towards ease - my lessons made such a difference, and no, I didn't have that operation; my pain went away, and I learned a methodology that has either protected me from pain ever since, or has assisted me to not panic if I have sustained an injury, or experience pain in some way (as we all do from time to time) and to create the conditions for rapid healing, without compensatory tensions being left as a legacy.
Perhaps it sounds somewhat over-stated, but I can honestly and truthfully say that I don't know how I would have coped in my life if I had not been told about this work. It has not only helped me physically, but psychologically (hugely reducing my previous anxiety levels) as well as emotionally, which has again helped me physically, because both our mental and emotional states are always translated into physical tension.
In 2004 I was introduced to what I call Compassionate Attention - a gentle but powerful way of releasing old trapped emotions from past trauma - known and unknown - and this work melded so well with Alexander that I undertook the Facilitator training. This work not only 'removed old buttons' that persistently got in the way of change and progress - those things that keep cropping up in life no matter what we try and do in our mind - but enabled me to assist others in this process.
After 43 years my work is now my own and no longer 'specifically titled', as it's always work which arises as you and I come together and, in that, quite bespoke to each person. I draw on my long training and years' experience, and am here to serve and support you the best way I can. I never stop learning, and have learned much as I found ever more support from it during the recent challenging years - those of 2020-2024 - and know it will continue to support me as we move forwards into building a world of Truth and Love. I'd love you to be able to find that support, too.
I wanted this to change so much; I wanted my old spring back, my energy, to be able to dance, play the piano, play tennis, and just live without pain, and certainly not to have the operation I was being urged to have to fuse my spine, but I had no idea how. My aunt visited from Canada two years later and told me about the Alexander Technique. Talking to her about my pain she said to me, "You need The Alexander Technique!" Like many I said, "What's that?" and she answered, "The osteopath can go on putting your bones back into place as often as you want, but your habits in the way you use your muscles will just pull them out again. An Alexander teacher will you show you how to let go of these habits and tensions and then the bones will stay where they are meant to be and it wont hurt any more."
So I began my journey towards ease - my lessons made such a difference, and no, I didn't have that operation; my pain went away, and I learned a methodology that has either protected me from pain ever since, or has assisted me to not panic if I have sustained an injury, or experience pain in some way (as we all do from time to time) and to create the conditions for rapid healing, without compensatory tensions being left as a legacy.
Perhaps it sounds somewhat over-stated, but I can honestly and truthfully say that I don't know how I would have coped in my life if I had not been told about this work. It has not only helped me physically, but psychologically (hugely reducing my previous anxiety levels) as well as emotionally, which has again helped me physically, because both our mental and emotional states are always translated into physical tension.
In 2004 I was introduced to what I call Compassionate Attention - a gentle but powerful way of releasing old trapped emotions from past trauma - known and unknown - and this work melded so well with Alexander that I undertook the Facilitator training. This work not only 'removed old buttons' that persistently got in the way of change and progress - those things that keep cropping up in life no matter what we try and do in our mind - but enabled me to assist others in this process.
After 43 years my work is now my own and no longer 'specifically titled', as it's always work which arises as you and I come together and, in that, quite bespoke to each person. I draw on my long training and years' experience, and am here to serve and support you the best way I can. I never stop learning, and have learned much as I found ever more support from it during the recent challenging years - those of 2020-2024 - and know it will continue to support me as we move forwards into building a world of Truth and Love. I'd love you to be able to find that support, too.